“Traveling has changed my life and made me to the person I am today”

- Denise

“Taking the risk to travel the world solo has been the best decision I have ever made!”

- Denise

I needed a change, but I didn't know that traveling would change my life forever.

- Denise





I spent an unforgettable 9 months in Australia with trips to Bali and Fiji Island, continued my big leaps and went backpacking in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia and have been living a nomadic lifestyle ever since.

I have realized traveling is as much about the INNER JOURNEY as it is about the outer one.

While traveling, you journey inwards and learn how to form your own path.

We let go of who we were and re-emerge as new individual feeling more aligned with ourselves.



I grew up in Germany, in a small village in the Black Forest - and yes thats where the Black Forest ham and Black Forest cake is from ;)

Living in a small village with 3000 people, I felt like I was living in a TINY LITTLE BOX, I was surrounded by a very toxic environment full of unhealed, negative people with a small town mentality, stuck in their negative cycle. I was often a target as they reflected all of their insecurities on me, which eventually made me struggled with my mental health.

I tried to live in this box society put me in, dealing with all the drama on a day to day basis and focusing on climbing up the corporate ladder, but I felt very lost and very unsatisfied with my life.

Throughout the years living in this environment and all the negative stories that got projected on me, I completely lost myself and had no idea who I really was.


…when I was very young, as I was fortunate enough that my parents took us on trips every year.

I was 2 years old when I was on a plane for the first time and I can not picture my life without travelling.

We mainly spent our summers at all-inclusive or vacation apartment rentals all around Europe, we’ve travelled to places such as Italy, Spain, Greece, Austria, Hungary and even Egypt.


I went on my first solo trip when I was 16.

Right after I finished Highschool I got the opportunity to spend the summer in California as an exchange student, which was the start of an amazing travel journey for me.

And once the travel bug bites there is no looking back! I couldn't stop traveling and went on many city trips to London, Berlin, Paris with my girlfriends followed by my first group trip to India when I was 21.

The probably most important travel moment however, was when I visited Australia for the first time when I was 22.

Two of my friends travelled through Australia on a work & holiday visa and invited me and my best friend to join them on a road trip.

(Here is one of my biggest tips for you: Always say YES to opportunities like this - it could change your life!!!)

For 4 weeks, we were road tripping with their camper van along the East Coast of Australia and I HAD THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE! I remember thinking to myself: “This is how my life can look like?”

That was the moment I realized, that traveling gave me something nothing else can give me. It was a feeling of FREEDOM, EXCITEMENT, ADVENTURE and ESCAPING the day to day rat race.

Every time I returned back home from a trip though, something was missing.

I was still trapped in this tiny little box, and basically only escaped from it for a little while when I was travelling for a few weeks. 

Deep within I knew it wasn’t enough.


I felt unsatisfied with my life, I felt like I haven’t achieved my full potential or desires.

I was always wondering there must be more to life.

I felt like I wanted to escape, but I had no idea how.

And let me tell you, there’s nothing more frustrating than realizing you’re living an unfulfilled life.

And as much as you try fitting in that tiny little box society puts us in, you have that deep inner feeling that there is more to life.

But the next question is, how do I break out of this cycle?

What am I acutally pationate about?

What do I acutally want out of life?

These are questions I asked myself.... and I couldn’t get an answer to it. 

I needed a change, but I didn't really know what to do or where to go.

So I went back to school, to become a business economist to eventually climb up the cooperate ladder, because that's what society tells us to do right?

I remember sitting in school for 2 years and hating it.

I did not care about all the things they´ve taught us and I struggled with figuring out what I was “meant” to do.

The problem is, in our society, we stick with what brings us sadness & discomfort. 

Most people are willing do deal with discomfort because this is the only way they know, but the truth is you don’t have to….


I was 23 at the time and desperately needed a change.

I had just broken up with my boyfriend and was super unfulfilled in my job. Like most people, I thought a new job would be the change I needed, so I applied for another job and put a lot of hope into this new opportunity… without any success. 

It was THIS point in my life that I realized…sometimes things aren’t working out because they're is something better out there waiting for me!

Travelling has called me for years, and that was the moment I finally decided to take the leap, save up some money, leave my job and go travel full time!


I decided to go because I needed to escape from my life, from my heart break, from my unfullfilling job, from the tiny little box I was living in, from all the negative people and drama I was surrounded with. 

Funny enough, I didn’t even know that this was exactly what I needed. I didn’t realize that what felt like an escape at that time, will bring me on my life path.... 


Taking the risk and travel solo & move my life overseas was THE BEST DECISION I COULD HAVE EVER MADE!

I spent an unforgettable 9 months in Australia with trips to Bali and Fiji Island and continued my big leaps and went backpacking for 3 months in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.

I learned how to be at peace with my own self and to be comfortable in my own skin no matter where I was. My confidence was beaming and I learned what I was capable of.  

After a year away, I returned back home to Germany as a complete different person! I was motivated, I had sparks in all areas of my life and I felt incredible! I began working again, with the full intention to save enough money to go somewhere else. My travel bug was buzzing!

And this is where the magic of aligning yourself with your inner compass comes in, as soon as you follow your heart doors & opportunities will magically open.

While I was working in Germany to save up money to travel, OUT OF NOWHERE, I was offered a job to help startup a company in Canada! 

What?! I couldn’t believe it!!! I have never even thought about travelling to Canada but I knew this opportunity wouldn't present itself if it was not meant to be - so I took the job and continued my journey! 

Fast forward, today I have been living in Canada for over 4 years and I had no intention of living abroad for so many years, let alone becoming a Canadian permanent resident.

You see, as soon as you start following your INNER COMPASS, you start living in harmony with who you really are and what is best for you! Your life path will unfold itself right in front of you. 

I had fear just like you might have right now. I had every bad thought you could think of when travelling solo - Luckily I was able to overcome my fears, limiting believes and mindset blocks around travel, and even though I felt the fear, I did it anyways - its definitely not easy but its worth it!

I listened to my INTUITION and chased after my DREAMS!

Choosing this path led me to unforgettable experiences and wonderful memories. Not to mention, the adventures that are yet to come!!! 

I have found an absolute passion for traveling and really found myself. I have travelled to over 30 countries and I am living the life of my dreams….


I used to be very insecure and had no idea who I really was, but now I can honestly say, travelling has made me the person I am today.

I have found my SELF WORTH, SELF LOVE, my INNER VOICE, and most importantly, I have learned to follow my INNER COMPASS.


Little did I know this decision to solo travel would set me down a path of HEALING and GROWTH.

Solo travel turned out to be my AWAKENING.

It was like seeing my raw authentic self for the first time and I liked what I saw. I liked who I was when I solo travelled, a big contrast to how I felt about myself when I was back home.

A SELF-DISCOVERY journey began and I never looked back. 

I opened myself up to a complete new world. I became more aware of energies and became in-tune with my INNER COMPASS because I learned how to follow my intuition.

I also started to become more conscious about the local communities and  about our environment in general.

When you travel you see alot of things, you start appreciating what you have and you also start thinking about how you can make a change.

This is why I am also very passionated about promoting sustainable travel, because I do know we can make a positive impact and change the world when we change the way we travel.

When traveling, you start having deeper thought about your life and what your TRUE PURPOSE in life is, because you have time to reflect and process. You are not stuck in your day to day life.

You start opening yourself up to things you would have never done at home, and there would probably have never been and opportunity for you do have such a transformational experience and connect so deeply with yourself.

I can honestly say, traveling made me the person I am today, I found love for myself and my life and I am so grateful I started this transformational travel journey.

Ready to transform your life through travel?


Inner Compass Travel is affiliated with Nexion Canada ULC, 380 Wellington St, Tower B, 6th Floor, London, On N6A 5B5 HQ Phone 5196606966 TICO Reg # 1549342

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